Q. Is laser tattoo removal safe?

A. Yes! Laser tattoo removal, when done by a properly trained professional, is very safe and effective. With proper aftercare the chances of scarring are extremely minimal and there is little to no down time after a treatment.


Q. How Long Does Treatment take?

A. The length of treatment depends on the the size and number of colors and can range from a few seconds to 30+ minutes. Most tattoos do require multiple treatments, with a minimum of 6 weeks between each treatment.


Q. What are the side effects?

A. Side effects include swelling and redness in the treatment area. Some clients may also see blistering, which can become large and bothersome at times, however with proper aftercare theses side effects are only temporary. The only long term side effect we occasionally see is hypo and hyper-pigmentation, which means lightening or darkening of the skin’s color around the treated area. This is usually temporary, but in rare cases can last for longer periods of time.


Q. What is the aftercare?


1. Keep the area clean and covered if necessary for the first 3 days. We recommend covering tattoos that are in areas that rub on clothing, can become easily dirty, or if blistering occurs. Ointment is recommended to keep the skin slightly moisturized during this time.

2. Showering is fine, but you should avoid submerging the treated area for the first week or two. This includes bathing and swimming.

3. If a blister arises, continue to bandage the area, changing the bandage at least twice a day, and stop applying ointment. Avoid popping the blister or picking at the skin, as this can lead to scarring.

4. Wear sunscreen for 2-3 months after your treatment.

5. Extended aftercare will be provided for you verbally and in writing at the time of your first treatment.


Q. How long before my tattoo is completely removed?

A. The process for every client will be different. While the average time to remove a tattoo is 1-3 years, there are many factors involved in this. Not only do the factors surrounding your tattoo and general health play a role, but the frequency in which you get treatments. At the time of your consultation your technician will explain the factors leading to quicker or slower removal.

Q. Is Tattoo Removal for everyone?

A.  Even though tattoo removal is a safe process, it is not appropriate for everyone. Women should not have any treatments during pregnancy, as this can lower your already weakened immune system. Also, people suffering from circulation issues or that are immunocompromised are not good candidates for laser removal.